#147 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I don't need the status. I like being white." ~achang, on his MacBook

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#20 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:31

17:10 < tmmecke> vinod: LOL why do you need to know java?
17:31 <@vinod> tmmecke: To succeed in the game of life, you must know Java!
17:31 <@vinod> and to ensure that interview questions don't completely pwn you >_> :P
17:43 < tmmecke> lol
17:44 < tmmecke> just claim you like C
17:44 < tmmecke> then they won't ask you pesky java questions :P

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#109 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I'm going to the Asian food place in the Asian Ghetto. --Jesse

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#353 + (0) -
1/31/2011 16:07

01:03 < milki> tiny ones arent that interesting >.>

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#370 + (0) -
5/10/2011 4:51

21:55 < npc> This quip will have many upvotes.

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#44 + (0) -
4/20/2010 5:10

"welcome to the most awesome channel you shall ever enter" - ebaum, on max's first joining #code

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#145 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You can't read a TWiki about IPSec after coming back from one of Pat's parties." -tobor

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#163 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"My RCCs come first before my life." - Keenan

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#252 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Irving: You guys are all here!? Brad: It's a Friday, and all we want to do is work for ResComp.

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#473 + (0) -

12:33 <%dchen> ^_^ are you comparing yourself to tiger woods
12:33 <@^_^> clearly not cuz tiger woods is black
12:33 <@^_^> therefore is very well endowed
12:34 * ^_^ cannot compete with such hereditary properties
12:34 <@^_^> darn my asian genes
12:34 <%dchen> are you saying you have a small penis
12:34 <@^_^> no
12:35 <@^_^> i just saying i'm not hung like a horse
12:35 <@^_^> like i imagine tiger woods would be
12:35 <@kristine> ...

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