#476 + (0) -

17:56 <%dchen> i'll try to have 2.1 kids
17:56 <@kristine> What are you going to do with the .1?!
17:56 <%dchen> i dunno
17:56 <%dchen> love it 1/10 as much as the other ones I guess

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#339 + (0) -
10/15/2010 20:39

13:33 < ian> i just add this to .zshrc
13:33 < ian> _screen_prep() {
13:33 < ian> if [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" != "$HOME/.screen/ssh-auth-sock.$HOSTNAME" ] ; then
13:34 < ian> ln -fs "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "$HOME/.screen/ssh-auth-sock.$HOSTNAME"
13:34 < ian> fi
13:34 < ian> }
13:34 < ian> alias screen='_screen_prep ; screen'
13:34 < ian> and this to .screenrc
13:34 < ian> unsetenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK
13:34 < ian> setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK "$HOME/.screen/ssh-auth-sock.$HOSTNAME"
13:34 < tmmecke> so your keys get setup when you start screen
13:34 < joshu> wait, what's the problem being solved here?
13:34 < crimsonzen> unix

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#459 + (0) -

11:26 <@calvin> kristine: you too, should get a girlfriend
11:26 <@calvin> !
11:26 <@calvin> milki's available

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#48 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Jesse> "Kristina, you spell that with a 'K' right?" Kristina> "Yes." Jesse> "Was that your decision or your parents'?" Kristina> "My parents. They wanted to name me after the german girl next door."

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#137 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

James in humored indignance, "What type of asian do you take me for??" Stephanie, "a half asian"

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#78 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Eat my cucumber if you love it so much." -terrio

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#477 + (0) -

11:20 <@ccowart> it seriously overshot my spread

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#376 + (0) -
7/6/2011 5:59

22:48 <jimmyngo> ok everything looks good time for drugs

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#499 + (0) -

13:07 -!- tmmecke_ [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has joined #general
13:11 < tmmecke_> dm: mah admin machine randomly rebooted
13:12 < tmmecke_> you should /kill tmmecke , he's a zombie
13:29 < kristine> That's what the evil twin says
13:38 < willchen> Which one do we believe?!
14:12 -!- tmmecke [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:13 -!- tmmecke_ is now known as tmmecke
14:13 < tmmecke> it wasn't actually a zombie
14:13 < briandef> wow, shellshock is amazing
14:13 < tmmecke> apparently my admin machine didn't reboot, but dumped me to the login window without killing my old
screen session
14:13 < tmmecke> amazing
14:13 < briandef> nice
15:11 -!- tmmecke [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has quit [[irc2.caffeinatedcode.com] Local kill by dm (requested
15:11 < dm> oops, that was too late
15:11 < dm> loolllll

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#523 + (1) -
12:07:03 05/09/2022

a trade a day keeps the IRS away