#357 + (0) -
2/25/2011 18:25

06:41 < rishard> I never realized how many people were in general.
07:16 < mattea> it's the place to be
07:16 < mattea> esp for trolls
08:15 < calvin> gotta watch out for people like perry
08:15 < calvin> trollin alldayerrday
08:35 < kberlin> it's all he does
08:40 * calvin nods
09:26 < chand> general is like the Disneyland teacup ride. Everyone tries it, but most people just end up feeling sick.

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#285 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

19:25 < crh> switch $desc_of_librarian ; case 'hot' do ask('out') ; case 'not_hot' do exit ; esac would have been executed

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#461 + (0) -

16:11 < milki> ^_^: i really like the salary negotiation article you linked me
16:11 < milki> theres so much to learn about negotiation
16:11 <+tmmecke> milki: what article?
16:11 < infact> article is about her first lesbian encounter

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#306 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

22:25 < willchen> Ah, yes. You should study for your midterm. 22:25 < willchen> We all know what happens if we neglect school 22:25 < hacos> haha, a certain role model exists

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#467 + (0) -

16:38 < milki> the stretchier they are, the less likely ill tear them with my
sheer muscle strenght in my sleep

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#79 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Yeah, I'm not very good at the whole security thing." -dchen (NetSec)

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#57 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"How are your bugs going?" "They hurt! They have teeth!" -mht

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#530 + (0) -
11:07:18 10/27/2022

caret_caret (11:03): at least here in the US if someone disrespects you you can shoot the mofo in the face
cant do that in sweden (i think)

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#12 + (0) -
12:41:23 02/15/2021

18:50 < ccowart> 3334777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
18:53 <@victor> pwned?
19:13 < dm> might be a stray pet

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#204 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"i am a sheep with leadership qualities. i learned that in my high school economics class." - mht

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