#108 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Once you go Keenan, you never go back" -Keenanp on his lesbian ex-girlfriend

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#306 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

22:25 < willchen> Ah, yes. You should study for your midterm. 22:25 < willchen> We all know what happens if we neglect school 22:25 < hacos> haha, a certain role model exists

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#407 + (0) -
3/28/2012 0:10

14:46 <@milki> tits....hot

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#209 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

jch: "Okay, now for the Cookie bug" randy: "man, that's the most delicious sounding bug I've ever heard of"

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#456 + (0) -

16:45 < milki> but they keep falling off -.-
16:45 < milki> my pants just cant stay on
16:45 <%gms> wut

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#328 + (0) -
7/25/2010 4:52

21:44 < vinod> Rumors circulating the internet of a fan stabbing another attendee in the eye over coveted seats, and of a victim clad in a " Harry Potter T-shirt soaked in blood," are inaccurate, according to authorities.
21:45 < vinod> .....
21:49 <%victor> lol
21:50 < kberlin> so that rumor is a... fan fiction?

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#21 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:33

01:32 < kberlin> ugh, ethics book: "Bill Gates worked hard to develop Microsoft."
01:32 < kberlin> I really
01:32 < kberlin> REALLY
01:32 < ^_^> kberlin: HAHAHAHA

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#296 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

<milki> one twiki group? <acarlson> yah, or the nails-on-the-chalkboard group as I affectionally refer to it <ccowart> NOTC pronounced NAZI

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#462 + (0) -

10:36 < rhsu> Woo, just got a Bluetooth keyboard so I could use it with my iPad.
11:39 < willchen> ...isn't that like fitting a giant spoiler to a civic?

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#345 + (0) -
11/3/2010 5:01

22:00 < kberlin> I am not a pothead

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