#156 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Through confusion we rise." -Perry on 150

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#420 + (0) -
9/4/2012 19:19

12:18 < ^_^> where the heck is hnguyen
12:18 < infact> hnguyen is a 8=========D or a secretion of modified skin glands of female secret agents called "the direct loan servicing online web site is pwnd

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#220 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Man why is there so little meat on these bones? Oh wait, they're ribs." -kiyoshi @ outback with new-US-staff

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#436 + (0) -

15:23 <@victor> sigh i hate rails

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#453 + (0) -

13:49 <@kristine> vinod: vinod
13:49 < vinod> vinod working bus schedules Ramen top !
13:49 < vinod> silent: silent
13:49 * silent kicks silent harder (!) gahhh.
13:49 * vinod has successfully switched personalities with silent

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#393 + (0) -
12/15/2011 18:58

10:54 <@^_^> omg so last night i had this dream that i was on a plane
10:54 <@^_^> that got shot down by nazi's
10:54 <@^_^> and then everyone was getting chased by the nazis
10:55 <@^_^> crash landed in somewhere in germany
10:55 <@^_^> so i tried to pretend to be japanese so at least they'd be like
"well, he's on the same side as us"
10:55 <@^_^> and when they asked me for my name, the first japanese name i came
up with was kiyoshi matsui
10:57 * dm will call mu brad matsui from now on

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#63 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"No, no, no, you're not listening to me Perry... call Ian..." -Simon

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#352 + (0) -
1/8/2011 0:52

-- It was ccowart, back from the grave.
-- ccowart isn't dead.
-- .... oh.

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#284 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I need to go to therapy.... but it's soo expensive!!!!" -milki

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#509 + (3) -
16:45:10 02/23/2021

16:37 achang:poo: DRINKING BEGINS
16:38 jch:pizza: Wooooooo
16:38 Pee everywhere
16:38 achang:poo: i'm going to go pee in my compost
16:38 jch:pizza: Establish your territory

Tags: achang