#397 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:45

15:08 < vinod> infact: youre unvited to my lemonparty!

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#189 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Minh: "My lymph node! I might die!" Rune: "I _guarantee_ you will die."

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#529 + (0) -
22:21:51 09/30/2022

<2022.09.30> ccowart: I love licking freshly wetted pavement

Tags: ccowart
#50 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Guitar Hero? Oh? It's just like sex. You take what you can get" -- Dexter

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#96 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"She's a vegan. So we'll just cook some chicken for dinner." - A US

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#504 + (0) -

3:49 PM dm kristine: stop shaving your corgi
3:50 PM kristine :disappointed:
3:53 PM vinod wow
4:03 PM achang i thought that was a euphemism

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#346 + (0) -
11/11/2010 5:56

Vinod: Text editing is overrated... Emacs can do so much more!

kberlin&aneesh: ...

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#167 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"...wait... operations coordinator Anna? She's our age? I thought she was like 30!" -Rescomp alum

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#278 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You find it in movies!" -milki, on love

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#45 + (0) -
5/10/2010 5:07

22:05 < ^_^> um milki
22:05 < ^_^> are u sure coe grad is 17th?
22:05 < milki> im not coe
22:05 < milki> dammit

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