#45 + (0) -
5/10/2010 5:07

22:05 < ^_^> um milki
22:05 < ^_^> are u sure coe grad is 17th?
22:05 < milki> im not coe
22:05 < milki> dammit

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#334 + (0) -
8/12/2010 5:54

22:53 <@jeffy> FUCK
22:53 <@jeffy> i just realized
22:53 <@jeffy> i forgot to eat dinner
22:53 <@jeffy> son of a bitch

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#380 + (0) -
7/29/2011 17:07

10:01 <@calvin> i hear ruby's community is filled with a bunch of asshole neckbeards
10:01 < gms> probably
10:01 < perry> lol

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#357 + (0) -
2/25/2011 18:25

06:41 < rishard> I never realized how many people were in general.
07:16 < mattea> it's the place to be
07:16 < mattea> esp for trolls
08:15 < calvin> gotta watch out for people like perry
08:15 < calvin> trollin alldayerrday
08:35 < kberlin> it's all he does
08:40 * calvin nods
09:26 < chand> general is like the Disneyland teacup ride. Everyone tries it, but most people just end up feeling sick.

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#283 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"DNS? What's that?... (hiring panel explains) WOW. DNS IS AMAZING. I'VE GOT TO GET IN ON THAT," -anonymous Winsys candidate

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#320 + (0) -
5/28/2010 5:24

I can use recaptcha now!

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#455 + (0) -

miree: lunches mess with my olfactory senses
it always smells like someone cut one
and then i realize it's someone's food

dm: ROFL
so wrong bro.
so wrong.

miree: miree is dying
lmfao i want to laugh so hard right now
"excuse me, but .. why does your lunch smell like fart?"

dm: LOL
what kind of lunch is it?
what foreign food is it that smells like ass air?

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#35 + (0) -
3/19/2010 1:57

18:52 < victor> damn how does google know mbp = macbook pro
18:52 < victor> so leet
18:52 < ^_^> as opposed to
18:56 < calvin> macbookpenis
18:56 < calvin> lolol dammit wrong channel

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#89 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"If you don't get error messages in your cron, you should be worried." --ferlatte

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#441 + (0) -

16:28 < dm> I keep telling people that their answer is a sugardaddy
16:28 <@calvin> remember you're not paying for services
16:28 <@calvin> you're paying the person to leave

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