#153 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I'm hungry enough to eat Chinese Food." -eeady

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#511 + (0) -
14:14:38 03/04/2021

kristine: I always wanted to look like a burrito

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#365 + (0) -
4/14/2011 2:48

19:47 <+joshu> s/sas/ass/

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#85 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

No, the lyrics said "I can stand the scars on my nuts" -Ian Tegebo Yeah, it sounds like "Siberia" to me. -Michael Tauras

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#519 + (0) -
17:28:46 10/08/2021

“hell yes i would, don’t mind if i puke/pee/soil myself” - jch

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#107 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Statistically, they're already losers" --Erik, talking about Cha-bo residents in lead staff

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#204 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"i am a sheep with leadership qualities. i learned that in my high school economics class." - mht

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#230 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"it's like we work in a forgotten basement of some library in kansas" -- anna, referring to the state of office clients

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#47 + (0) -
5/26/2010 23:39

16:38 < ccowart> but if I wear the crotch out of one more pair of jeans, I'm gonna have to find more appropriate clothing

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#512 + (0) -
22:47:04 03/18/2021

milki 13:34
so ive heard of wine and salad pairings
but... i accidentally put the wine IN the salad
anyway to salvage?

Tags: milki