#321 + (0) -
5/30/2010 7:11


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#471 + (0) -

16:06 < nbaldwin> dearest maxb,
16:06 < nbaldwin> fixed.
16:06 < nbaldwin> forever yours,
16:06 < nbaldwin> nbaldwin

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#84 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"This phrase, 'Quid Pro Quo' will make you legally INVINCIBLE in court!" -- ian, on sexual harassment mastery

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#331 + (0) -
8/2/2010 22:27

15:23 < ccowart> ok, imagine for a moment unix commands
15:23 < ccowart> like finger, yes, more
15:23 < ccowart> we've all seen the jokes stringing various commands together
15:23 < ccowart> now intermix customer names such as "kink" or "naughty"
15:24 < ccowart> that is all

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#118 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Chris: "It's Friday" Graham: "Yeah, it's that day when we don't have school and stuff the next day..." Ian: "There's another day like that, but I usually don't remember it."

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#421 + (0) -
10/10/2012 19:21

12:06 * keenanp curses at repeat copyright violations.
12:06 < gms> lol
12:06 < keenanp> Dude, you were caught downloading that crappy movie last month. Why are you still sharing it?
12:06 < gms> sharing is caring
12:06 < infact> i already had it that way, gms.
12:06 < gms> lol
12:18 < dm> lol
12:18 < dm> just share all the thigns
12:20 < keenanp> People need to learn to just be selfish and leech

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#181 + (-1) -
5/27/2010 0:34

dchen, "You've been in rescomp 4 years?" stephanie, "no, 3." dchen. "You're only two years older? Why are you so much more mature than me?" (This is funny because Stephanie looks 16).

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#35 + (0) -
3/19/2010 1:57

18:52 < victor> damn how does google know mbp = macbook pro
18:52 < victor> so leet
18:52 < ^_^> as opposed to
18:56 < calvin> macbookpenis
18:56 < calvin> lolol dammit wrong channel

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#441 + (0) -

16:28 < dm> I keep telling people that their answer is a sugardaddy
16:28 <@calvin> remember you're not paying for services
16:28 <@calvin> you're paying the person to leave

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#27 + (0) -
3/11/2010 6:38

17:07 < crimsonzen> i used to do WTF
17:08 < crimsonzen> err tae kwon do
17:08 < crimsonzen> half awake here

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