#123 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I'm going to keep spouting buzzwords at you until you get better!" -Ian to an RCC

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#12 + (0) -
12:41:23 02/15/2021

18:50 < ccowart> 3334777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
18:53 <@victor> pwned?
19:13 < dm> might be a stray pet

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#498 + (0) -

15:57 < kristine> Wait wtf when did the topic change
15:57 < tmmecke> 15:57 -!-Topic for #general: 14:52 * kristine cowpoops
15:57 < tmmecke> 15:57 -!-Topic set by ChanServ [services@caffeinatedcode.com] [Tue Sep 23 14:52:41 2014]
15:57 < tmmecke> a little over an hour ago
15:57 < kristine> Dammit chanserv
15:57 < willchen> tmmecke: Tue Sep 23
15:58 < tmmecke> woops
15:58 < tmmecke> a little over 25 hours ago*
16:00 < kristine> Feels like I'm often the topic of this channel
16:00 < kristine> Am I the new ^_^
16:01 < willchen> infact: kristine is also NSFW
16:02 < perry> willchen: maybe it's time ^_^ pass on the nsfw award
16:03 < willchen> What an honour
16:03 < kristine> D:
16:12 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #general to: 16:00 < kristine> Am I the new ^_^
16:13 < willchen> Lol
16:13 < kristine> Noooooooooooooo
16:14 < gms> ahahaha

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#476 + (0) -

17:56 <%dchen> i'll try to have 2.1 kids
17:56 <@kristine> What are you going to do with the .1?!
17:56 <%dchen> i dunno
17:56 <%dchen> love it 1/10 as much as the other ones I guess

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#472 + (0) -

15:15 * dm posts dchen to 4chan
15:15 <@keenanp> 4chen?

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#479 + (0) -

13:10 < dm> Christian Bale lol
13:10 < dm> do you like his voice
13:10 < dm> hehehe
13:10 < dm> or should I say
13:10 < dm> huhuhuhuhh

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#37 + (0) -
3/27/2010 1:26


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#43 + (0) -
4/15/2010 0:40

17:15 < vinod> aight peepz, staging be done. scotspin_ : will test that shizz soon mate...

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#221 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Do a barrel roll!!

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#194 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Isn't it a wonderful thing when your favorite internet radio station has been playing your favorite songs for the past 2 hours?"..."it wasnt actually playing internet radio, it was playing my playlist, AAAAARGH" -- jeremy

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