#321 + (0) -
5/30/2010 7:11


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#38 + (0) -
3/31/2010 4:10

21:07 < ^_^> does anyone know any girls that need a roommate next year?
21:07 < ^_^> er, i think a qualifying question might be: does anyone know any
girls? :p
21:07 < milki> i dont!
21:07 < milki> except those few in rescomp
21:07 < milki> and the one in the living room

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#180 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Ian, don't you think that if dchen or Dexter were a girl, they should hook up? It'd be really cute, I really think so." (5 minutes later) "DON'T YOU THINK SO!??" - Lilly

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#296 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

<milki> one twiki group? <acarlson> yah, or the nails-on-the-chalkboard group as I affectionally refer to it <ccowart> NOTC pronounced NAZI

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#133 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

On vim tutor: "Just do it before you go to bed." -yontege

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#503 + (0) -

caret_caret: italian cars are like the girls who look really good, but cant suck dick if their life depended on it

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#134 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Stephanie: "You feign everything." Keenan: "Yes I do. You should see me when I'm in bed."

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#488 + (0) -

16:27 <@eleung> i just 3d printed a bowtie
16:28 <@gms> I guess it's more kid-friendly than gun parts/accessories
16:28 < kristine> Wut
16:28 < perry> less useful in a zombiie invasion
16:29 <@eleung> at least i will be the only one wearing a bright orange bowtie during the zombie apocalypse
16:29 <@eleung> gunning down zombies in style

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#437 + (0) -

11:03 * keenanp wants to eat at King Dong
11:03 < dm> ...

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#207 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

mu: "if anyone asks where i am, i'm getting food and i'll be there soon." zech: "no one's asked"

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