#267 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

20:29 < dm> Magic8Ball: Are you indecisive? 20:29 < Magic8Ball> dm: Go for it 20:29 < dm> Magic8Ball: Go for it? Are you even hearing my question? 20:29 < Magic8Ball> dm: Yes

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#215 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"this is horrible. i've been inside so long my [solar-powered] watch has ran out of batteries. this is the second time it's happened." - perry

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#435 + (0) -

12:43 < keenanp> Kids are a nice tax break. You all should have some.

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#155 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Is that all that's left for you? Sipping a soda?" -Perry, to Dexter, in 125 Cory

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#253 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

What does circe stand for? Captive in room connection excitement? -eleung

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#350 + (0) -
12/24/2010 5:00

20:45 < victor> wow i havent looked at resquip so long i forgot the dir structure i used for apache

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#162 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I thought you were... coming with me... ?" -Burban

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#373 + (0) -
5/15/2011 6:39

23:38 < vinod> >.>
23:38 <+joshu> so you intended to punch yourself?
23:39 < milki> LOL
23:39 < vinod> at one point
23:39 < vinod> yeah
23:39 < vinod> but
23:39 < vinod> it was
23:39 < vinod> well okay
23:39 <+joshu> just .. not hard enough to dislocate your jaw
23:39 < vinod> THIS IS OUT OF CONTEXT
23:39 < milki> HAHAHAH
23:39 <+joshu> and who's to blame for that?
23:39 < milki> VINOD!
23:39 < vinod> i
23:39 <+joshu> it's been dislocated from context?
23:39 < vinod> ....
23:39 <%kberlin> wow
23:39 <+joshu> too soon?
23:39 < milki> your jaw is out of context?
23:39 <%kberlin> this conversation

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#494 + (0) -

08:58 < keenanp> WTF CyberCoders. Stop sending me recruitment email. I can neither code nor can I cyber.
08:59 <@eleung> cybering
08:59 <@eleung> what's that
08:59 < keenanp> I'll show you someday.

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#10 + (0) -
23:07:00 12/02/21

jch:pizza:  [11:04 PM]
TMUSK(topic) - time in milliseconds since musk tweeted about `topic`

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