#120 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"If you can go one way, you can go the other way." - ccowart

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#252 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Irving: You guys are all here!? Brad: It's a Friday, and all we want to do is work for ResComp.

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#425 + (0) -
10/17/2012 23:40

16:26 < dm> kristine: I went to my hs prom while you were still fetal.
16:26 < gms> lolll
16:26 < jsamwang> lollllllllll
16:26 < keenanp> haha, dm is old. I'm glad I joined this channel now

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#318 + (0) -
5/27/2010 22:41

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#83 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"But I like the paraplegic mouse..." - crh on apple mice

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#304 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

17:16 < jeffy> i accidentally on hal, what should i do?

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#340 + (0) -
10/15/2010 23:21

Greg Snow: "Nothing here is that important."

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#64 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Minh talking on the phone and typing in terminal.... "The conclusion is... it's broke!" -- Minh

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#38 + (0) -
3/31/2010 4:10

21:07 < ^_^> does anyone know any girls that need a roommate next year?
21:07 < ^_^> er, i think a qualifying question might be: does anyone know any
girls? :p
21:07 < milki> i dont!
21:07 < milki> except those few in rescomp
21:07 < milki> and the one in the living room

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#347 + (0) -
11/29/2010 17:49

09:43 <+tmmecke> weee irc from over 1000 feet
09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: woohoo virgin
09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: how much lag?
09:47 <+tmmecke> kbIyup
09:47 <+tmmecke> wow
09:47 <+tmmecke> it lagged out my tab complete
09:47 < kberlin> LOL

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