#262 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

12:11 < dchen> man, if I ever become a professor, I'm going to make a hella shitty class 12:11 < dchen> it'll be called like "Practical Systems Administration" 12:11 < dchen> and immediately after the drop deadline, it'll become a class purely focused on relational algebra

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#112 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"So, the new UPS we got is...uh...leaking silver gas." -Erik on, well, the new UPS

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#393 + (0) -
12/15/2011 18:58

10:54 <@^_^> omg so last night i had this dream that i was on a plane
10:54 <@^_^> that got shot down by nazi's
10:54 <@^_^> and then everyone was getting chased by the nazis
10:55 <@^_^> crash landed in somewhere in germany
10:55 <@^_^> so i tried to pretend to be japanese so at least they'd be like
"well, he's on the same side as us"
10:55 <@^_^> and when they asked me for my name, the first japanese name i came
up with was kiyoshi matsui
10:57 * dm will call mu brad matsui from now on

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#407 + (0) -
3/28/2012 0:10

14:46 <@milki> tits....hot

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#370 + (0) -
5/10/2011 4:51

21:55 < npc> This quip will have many upvotes.

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#342 + (0) -
11/2/2010 2:40

19:30 < perry> lot of cheering from my neighbors apt
19:30 < efung> lol
19:30 < perry> assuming giants won
19:30 < efung> i hear a vuvuzela
19:30 < gms> fuck my life
19:30 < perry> just kept on hearing yaaah wooohoooo yahhh
19:31 -!- gms [gms@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
19:31 < perry> lol ragequit?

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#118 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Chris: "It's Friday" Graham: "Yeah, it's that day when we don't have school and stuff the next day..." Ian: "There's another day like that, but I usually don't remember it."

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#146 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I'm not weird I love steak." -jeremydw

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#449 + (0) -

13:52 < keenanp> I really enjoyed driving the Outback when I test drove one, but my wife kept on calling me a lesbian for wanting to buy one

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#147 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I don't need the status. I like being white." ~achang, on his MacBook

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