#193 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"IT CHUNKS!!! IT CHUNKS!!!" - Minh, on his EE122 project

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#109 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I'm going to the Asian food place in the Asian Ghetto. --Jesse

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#476 + (0) -

17:56 <%dchen> i'll try to have 2.1 kids
17:56 <@kristine> What are you going to do with the .1?!
17:56 <%dchen> i dunno
17:56 <%dchen> love it 1/10 as much as the other ones I guess

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#238 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Mark: It's OK, we'll just play with ourselves...

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#436 + (0) -

15:23 <@victor> sigh i hate rails

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#373 + (0) -
5/15/2011 6:39

23:38 < vinod> >.>
23:38 <+joshu> so you intended to punch yourself?
23:39 < milki> LOL
23:39 < vinod> at one point
23:39 < vinod> yeah
23:39 < vinod> but
23:39 < vinod> it was
23:39 < vinod> well okay
23:39 <+joshu> just .. not hard enough to dislocate your jaw
23:39 < vinod> THIS IS OUT OF CONTEXT
23:39 < milki> HAHAHAH
23:39 <+joshu> and who's to blame for that?
23:39 < milki> VINOD!
23:39 < vinod> i
23:39 <+joshu> it's been dislocated from context?
23:39 < vinod> ....
23:39 <%kberlin> wow
23:39 <+joshu> too soon?
23:39 < milki> your jaw is out of context?
23:39 <%kberlin> this conversation

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#418 + (0) -
8/29/2012 17:07

10:06 < dm> oh hayward.
10:06 < infact> hayward is a piece of shit
10:06 <@gms> lollll
10:06 < dm> yes infact, yes.
10:06 < dm> sometimes I cry.

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#47 + (0) -
5/26/2010 23:39

16:38 < ccowart> but if I wear the crotch out of one more pair of jeans, I'm gonna have to find more appropriate clothing

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#309 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

15:33 < milki> i swear my debugging is logical

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#471 + (0) -

16:06 < nbaldwin> dearest maxb,
16:06 < nbaldwin> fixed.
16:06 < nbaldwin> forever yours,
16:06 < nbaldwin> nbaldwin

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