#449 + (0) -

13:52 < keenanp> I really enjoyed driving the Outback when I test drove one, but my wife kept on calling me a lesbian for wanting to buy one

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#526 + (0) -
10:26:23 08/19/2022

08:43 caret_caret well good news is that the red line is fainter, if that means anything
08:45 dm so you're less pregnant?
08:48 caret_caret guess so

#151 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You know what I'm running on sal? DROP DATABASE rescomp;" -yontege

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#379 + (0) -
7/22/2011 1:15

17:46 <@milki> ???�?�????? ???
18:09 <@dm> milki: yes.

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#154 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Its not unheard of to be put on hold when calling tech support" -- Graham discussing 2-HELP

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#52 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Oh well, better to be a Scotty than a La Forge." -terrio

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#38 + (0) -
3/31/2010 4:10

21:07 < ^_^> does anyone know any girls that need a roommate next year?
21:07 < ^_^> er, i think a qualifying question might be: does anyone know any
girls? :p
21:07 < milki> i dont!
21:07 < milki> except those few in rescomp
21:07 < milki> and the one in the living room

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#268 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

eeeady: Dex, big girls don't cry / Dex: does that mean I'm a girl? / milki: no, at least you're not big

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#503 + (0) -

caret_caret: italian cars are like the girls who look really good, but cant suck dick if their life depended on it

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#102 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Ok, going to add the know to the resident relation." - Rohit, on resident relations

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