#404 + (0) -
3/22/2012 19:46

11:38 < gms> ugh why would you do javascript password validation
11:38 * gms shakes fist
11:39 < tmmecke> .....LOL
11:39 < tmmecke> acarlson: good security or BEST security
11:39 < gms> it doesn't like my password that has pipes
11:39 < gms> and stuff
11:39 < gms> so I had to kill that validation function in the html
11:39 < tmmecke> its browser side...
11:39 < gms> problem solved
11:39 < gms> yup
11:39 < tmmecke> lol
11:39 < acarlson> oh god
11:39 < acarlson> if they're not doing equivalent validation on the server side, that is bad
11:40 < tmmecke> acarlson: you mean AMAZING
11:40 < gms> well it's just some filters to avoid bad chars or something
11:40 < acarlson> fine to do stuff on client side as long as it is for efficiency
11:40 < tmmecke> easiest way to take crypto load off the servers!
11:40 < gms> not the smartest thing to do

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