#453 + (0) -

13:49 <@kristine> vinod: vinod
13:49 < vinod> vinod working bus schedules Ramen top !
13:49 < vinod> silent: silent
13:49 * silent kicks silent harder (!) gahhh.
13:49 * vinod has successfully switched personalities with silent

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#454 + (0) -

11:12 <@kristine> perry: My friend's dog is a horrible dog
11:12 <@kristine> When he gets excited (i.e. whenever he sees a human he
doesn't live with)
11:12 <@kristine> He'll start peeing uncontrollably for a bit
11:12 <@perry> >_<, yeah, i'm glad he doesn't do that
11:12 < gms> kristine: so like an old person

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#455 + (0) -

miree: lunches mess with my olfactory senses
it always smells like someone cut one
and then i realize it's someone's food

dm: ROFL
so wrong bro.
so wrong.

miree: miree is dying
lmfao i want to laugh so hard right now
"excuse me, but .. why does your lunch smell like fart?"

dm: LOL
what kind of lunch is it?
what foreign food is it that smells like ass air?

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#456 + (0) -

16:45 < milki> but they keep falling off -.-
16:45 < milki> my pants just cant stay on
16:45 <%gms> wut

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#457 + (0) -

11:34 < keenanp> I do enjoy butt tracking systems

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#458 + (0) -

10:41 <@^_^> DP style
10:41 < jch> DP?
10:41 < infact> DP is kinda gross cuz my balls would be rubbing up against some other dude's balls
10:41 <@gms> lollll
10:41 <@^_^> LOLLLLLLLL
10:41 <@calvin> infact: ^_^
10:41 < infact> i think ^_^ is nsfw or notoriously unreliable or selling out to b-school or shady or well endowed or wantng to get DPed or getting married or a creeper or really wanting to get DPed
10:41 <@^_^> ......

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#459 + (0) -

11:26 <@calvin> kristine: you too, should get a girlfriend
11:26 <@calvin> !
11:26 <@calvin> milki's available

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#460 + (0) -

14:49 < silent> Engineer ok if perry and victor: Perry is also apathetic~* or gay man sex.

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#461 + (0) -

16:11 < milki> ^_^: i really like the salary negotiation article you linked me
16:11 < milki> theres so much to learn about negotiation
16:11 <+tmmecke> milki: what article?
16:11 < infact> article is about her first lesbian encounter

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#462 + (0) -

10:36 < rhsu> Woo, just got a Bluetooth keyboard so I could use it with my iPad.
11:39 < willchen> ...isn't that like fitting a giant spoiler to a civic?

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